February 2023 ECHS Construction Update

Jon McCann

Email: jon.mccann@ecspgh.org

Phone: x302

Dear ECS Stakeholders,

I would like to thank everyone who attended the ECHS Construction Family and Staff Reception on Thursday, Jan. 27. It was a lovely night with guest Beth Eckenrode of AUROS Group, the building’s project manager, where she explained what makes this building so special. 

As we near the end of the construction bidding phase on March 1, I look forward to providing additional updates regarding the actual construction at the new ECHS site. In the meantime, I would like to take this opportunity to analyze the building’s association with UN Sustainable Development Goal 4. 

Goal 4 is pivotal to the creation of this unique building and is essentially ECS’s reason for being. The building will have a number of connections to quality education including built-in science labs, a learning kitchen, and art and technology labs. In addition to these educational spaces, the building itself will be calibrated to produce data that will allow students to understand building performance. 

Not only will students have access to that information, but they will also analyze it to understand the building’s impact on resources and air quality.  The analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of this data will be baked into ECHS’s academics and coursework. 

As we look to the future completion of this project, I am thrilled that students will have this real-world experience. As they are provided with the opportunity to handle building figures, they will also be equipped with the knowledge to create meaningful change in the world around us.

Be Well,

Jon McCann

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