ECS September 2022 News

Dear ECS Families,

Students and staff have had a phenomenal start to the school year, and I am pleased to see so many individuals getting involved in a variety of opportunities. As you and your student begin to settle into new school year routines, I look forward to seeing the many ways we all come together as an ECS family.

With so many events on the horizon, ECS recognizes its diverse population and knows that getting involved isn’t always easy and doesn’t look the same for each family. At ECS, we are dedicated to providing a variety of student and family involvement opportunities. Whether it be simply communicating with your student’s teacher or principal, enrolling your student in Out of School Time activities, attending Back to School Night, or joining our PCO, ECS values inclusivity and being a place for all students.  

In that same vein, Out of School Time activities are starting soon, and Goal 11 immediately comes to mind. ECS is committed to fostering local partnerships and ensuring our community is sustainable. One of the several ways we contribute to community sustainability is by bringing innovative, community organizations like YMCA, Venture Outdoors, Assemble After School, and many more into our spaces to enhance student programming. Not only do these local partner organizations have like-minded missions, but they also help ECS grow citizens. 

Be sure to continue reading this month’s newsletter to learn more about ways you can get involved, and review your building’s newsletter to discover how each school plans to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month which starts in Mid September. 

Be Well, 

Jon McCann

What’s New at ECS?

Welcoming ECS Athletic Director: Robert Van Rheenen
ECS is excited to introduce Robert Van Rheenen as the district’s Athletic Director. Mr. Van Rheenen was previously a member of the Intermediate School team and enters this position with more than 30 years of coaching and athletic director experience in Primary and Secondary education.


Out of School Time Activities Fair
ECS will host an Out of School Time Activities Fair in the Middle School Cafe on Sept. 13 from 6–7:30 p.m. Drop in to explore K–12 Out of School Time offerings, meet the athletic director, and participate in live activities. Learn More…


Back to School Nights
Back to School Night builds relationships and connections between school and home. It is an opportunity for parents/guardians to experience a day in the life of their students, learn about the curriculum, and discuss content areas with teachers.

  • K–5 will host its Back to School Night on Wednesday, Sept. 28. Parents/guardians are invited to attend one of the following sessions at both the Primary and Intermediate Schools: 

    • 5:30–6:00 

    • 6:15–6:45 

    • 7:00–7:30

  • 6–12 will host its Back to School Night on Tuesday, Sept. 27 from 5–7 p.m. Look for more information in your weekly grade level communications. 

Half-Day Dismissal Times
ECS will have its first half day on Friday, Sept. 23. Know your building’s dismissal time:

  • Primary: 11:30 a.m.

  • Intermediate: 11:20 a.m.

  • ECMS: 11:50 a.m.

  • ECHS: 11:22 a.m.


Apply for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program
All families are strongly encouraged to apply for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch program which provides many students with free or reduced-price breakfasts and lunches at school. Families can apply online or reach out to for more information. Paper copies are also available throughout the school year in the office. See food service pricing, view the food service menu, & learn more…

***Families that qualify for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch program also qualify for free or reduced program fees at ECS, which applies to clubs and sports programs.*** 

Fund my Future PGH: SAVE THE DATES
Fund My Future PGH, a children’s savings program available to all families with children from birth to age 18 in Allegheny County, will host a virtual “Better Save than Sorry,” a three-part savings series, for ECS families on Oct. 11, Oct. 18, and Oct. 26. Stay tuned for more information in the Oct. Newsletter. Learn more…

ECMS Upper Lot Development
Construction has begun at the Middle School to transform the upper parking lot into a green space suitable for outdoor learning, student activities, and more. The development is slated for completion in October. Learn more…

Alma Tip–Study Guide
The Alma Guardian/Parent Portal gives you access to the Alma Study Guide. You can access the Alma Study Guide by clicking on your profile circle and then clicking on "Study Guide."  Whether you need a brief overview of what information can be found in Alma or you want to take a deeper dive into your student's class assignments and grades, the Alma Study Guide is a great place to start. Log into your Alma Account…

What’s Happening in Your Building?

Hear from your building’s principal and learn what’s happening in your student’s building through their online newsletter. 

Primary School

Intermediate School

Middle School

High School

PCO News

PCO Volunteer Fair and Uniform SaleThe PCO will hold a Volunteer
Fair on Wednesday, Sept. 7 from 6­–8 p.m. All parents, guardians, and ECS staff are invited to join us to learn more about the PCO and how to get involved at ECS. There will be opportunities to volunteer for a wide variety of activities at ECS. Contact with any questions.

Subscribe to the PCO Pulse Newsletter
Stay up to date with PCO (Parent Community Organization) events, meetings, activities, and more. Updates are provided every Wednesday. Subscribe to the newsletter…

In Case You Missed It!

COVID-19 Community Level Status
As a reminder, ECS encourages families to check the County level Friday mornings prior to sending your student to school via the CDC’s website. If Allegheny county is “HIGH,” masking is required when indoors. The district will update the ECS COVID-19 Information page Friday mornings if Allegheny County’s community spread level has changed. COVID-19 Community Level information is pulled from the CDC’s COVID-19 County Check for Allegheny County.

Jon McCann


Phone: x302