ECS Health and Safety Plan Feedback Survey Results Analyzed

The ESSERs Health and Safety Plan was updated and approved by the ECS board of trustees at the Jan. 15, 2022, public board meeting. Prior to the meeting, ECS asked stakeholders to provide feedback on the plan in the January newsletter and noted it on the Key Upcoming Dates graphic to guide the district as it prepared for its 6-month alterations. 

The survey collected qualitative data by asking contributors what they would like the plan to stop doing, start doing, and continue doing. The form was open for feedback for five days, and 18 individuals participated. Please note that one individual submitted for a larger group, and the number of participants in that group is unknown. Below is the analysis of the number of times a topic was referenced in total and in each section. Please hover over each color to see the topic and number associated with that space.


Total # of Times Each Topic was Referenced

# of Times each Topic was Mentioned in Section 1

Section 1 regarded ECS prevention and mitigation policies/practices to operate schools for in-person learning.

# of Times each Topic was Mentioned in Section 2

Section 2 was in regards to ECS commitment to ensuring continuity of service for students' and staff members' varying needs.

# of Times each Topic was Mentioned in Section 3

Section 3 was in regards to ECS ability to maintain health and safety of students and staff amidst ongoing pandemic.

Dr. James Doyle


Phone: x318