ECS Family Survey through the Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management

Dear Friends and ECS Families, 

ECS recently partnered with the Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management (BCNM) at Robert Morris University to help us in the development of ECS's next strategic planning process. This exciting collaboration will help to align ECS goals, priorities, and commitments in front of students to ensure our long-term success.  Prior to this process commencing in full, we would like to gather reflective feedback from our key stakeholders including families, staff, trustees, and the ECS community as a whole. 

As an ECS family, your thoughts and ideas are important to us. A quick 2-minute survey is linked below to help us better understand where ECS succeeds and where ECS may need to improve. Your responses will remain confidential, and the BCNM will share this information with ECS in an anonymized, summary format with no indication of the individual who responded. 

By completing this survey, you will provide crucial information needed to ensure an informed decision-making process while helping ECS set goals and strategies as we continue to flourish and grow within the next three years.

Thank you for your participation and collaboration as we work together to create a strategic plan in support of our students and ECS family. 

Take the Survey! 

Take Care, 

Dr. James Doyle
Chief Operations Officer

Dr. James Doyle


Phone: x318