ECS COVID Protocol Updates (3/3/22)

Good Afternoon ECS Families,

As many of you may know, the ECS Board of Trustees approved the district’s updated ESSERs Health and Safety Plan on Jan. 19, 2022, which states that universal masking will be reviewed in accordance with CDC guidance and if the Allegheny County transmission rate is low.

The district is aware of the CDC’s recommendation to move to optional masking, however, in the interest of supporting our students with this transition and to allow for families and staff to speak and express their thoughts at the March 16 Board Meeting, a vote to update the approved ECS Health and Safety Plan to include optional masking for all students and staff will be on this meeting’s agenda. ECS highly encourages you all to attend the March 16 Board meeting and to sign up to speak if you would like to share your thoughts on this issue for the record prior to the board discussion and vote.

Over these next two weeks, faculty and staff will also diligently work to support students as they prepare to potentially transition to optional masking by conducting morning meetings and engaging in thoughtful conversations around masking.

With that in mind, the following are updates that will go into effect Monday, March 7 due to the county’s low transmission rate:

  • The district is excited to bring students back into the Cafe to eat lunch. Students can only remove their masks while eating.

  • ECS will no longer enforce a travel policy.

  • ECS will no longer send building or grade level communications when an individual receives a positive test, but close contacts will still receive communications. Please check the COVID-19 Dashboard daily at 3 p.m. to review the district’s transmission numbers.

I am aware that these changes may cause some anxiety among some members of our community. However, ECS remains dedicated to the safety of our students, faculty, and staff. Continued mitigation efforts include HEPA filters in every room, remaining a closed campus, and ensuring clean facilities and ample airflow.

ECS is grateful for your continued support as the district navigates these changes back to normalcy, and we look forward to seeing folks at the upcoming March Board Meeting.


Dr. James Doyle

Chief Operating Officer

Dr. James Doyle


Phone: x318