ECS Board Approves Employee COVID-19 Vaccine Policy

Dear ECS Families,

At ECS, we believe that it is our duty and responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work and learning environment for our entire community, students, and staff. With this sentiment in mind, I am writing today to share that the ECS Board of Trustees approved a COVID-19 employee vaccination policy on August 18, 2021, with a 12-0 vote with four members not in attendance at the meeting.

Under this new requirement, all staff must provide proof of full vaccination status or regularly submit COVID-19 test results with accommodations available for exempt individuals who cannot receive the COVID-19 vaccine for medical or religious reasons. This policy will not only reinforce our deep commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and our wholehearted belief in good health and wellbeing, but it will also support ECS being a place for all students and staff.

This momentous step is an extra layer of protection in addition to ECS’s other mitigation strategies. While at the conclusion of the 20–21 school year, 95% of ECS’s employees reported that they were fully vaccinated, ECS has added 40 new staff members as of the start of the 2021-2022 school year. With this policy, It is my hope that ECS’s vaccination numbers continue to grow.

Please feel free to review our press release detailing this new policy or reach out with any questions or concerns you may have. I sincerely believe that if we work together to get vaccinated, we will eventually come out of this pandemic and be on to better days.

Take care friends,

Dr. James Doyle

Chief Operations Officer

Dr. James Doyle


Phone: x318