District COVID-19 Cases (1/21/22)

Dear ECS Families, 

The ECS administration was alerted of the following positive COVID-19 cases:

  • 1 Intermediate School Staff member

  • 1 Intermediate School Student

  • 1 Middle School Student

  • 1 High School Student 

The Building Response Team met to review our protocols, and close contacts were alerted for all cases

  • The appropriate quarantine and isolation procedures have been taken.

  • The spaces have undergone nightly deep cleans as a part of our regular cleaning procedures.

  • The only individuals that need to quarantine are those who have been personally contacted by ECS as a close contact. If you were a close contact, you would have been notified prior to receiving this communication.

  • If the individuals were in your student’s grade levels or buildings, your building’s principal has already contacted you via email. 

  • All ECS buildings will remain open.

For more information about ECS COVID-19 quarantine guidelines, please refer to the ECS January Quarantine Procedures.

Please reach out with any questions or concerns that you may have.  

--The ECS Team