COVID-19 Pooled Testing at ECS

Dear ECS Families,

On Wednesday, September 8, you should have received a link to the pooled COVID-19 testing consent form and your building-specific access code. Today, I would like to share more information about the pooled testing process and what you can expect as we add this additional preventative measure to our current COVID-19 procedures.

Learn more in my video below.

Pooling is a powerful way to test large groups of people and maybe particularly useful for conducting surveillance testing on a massive scale. For more information about pooled testing, please review the PA DOH Pooled Testing Guidance.

As I mentioned in my video, this program is only effective if parents/guardians opt into the testing. Please complete the online consent form to give ECS permission to test your student at school by Friday, Sept. 17. Please use your specific-building access code listed below:

  • Primary School Access Code: CA2H62

  • Intermediate School Access Code: XDLU8M

  • Middle School Access Code: B9H3KY

  • High School Access Code: T5ZUMZ

Please note that if you have students in multiple buildings, you must fill out a separate consent form for each student using their building-specific access code. Pooled testing is for asymptomatic students and staff only, not for students or staff displaying symptoms. ECS will not use pooled testing as a method for testing after travel or testing as a close contact.

I hope you take advantage of this opportunity that will help ECS identify positive COVID-19 cases sooner by signing your student up for pooled testing. In the meantime, don’t forget to thank a school nurse!


Dr. Amanda Cribbs, EdD


Dr. Amanda Cribbs


Phone: x557