Welcome from the ECS Board of Trustees 2023
Adam Tobias
Board of Trustees President
Dear ECS Community,
On behalf of the board of trustees, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the school year. To our new families: thank you for choosing ECS. We are excited to welcome you to our family. To our returning families: thank you for your vote of confidence. You are what makes ECS special and makes us one of the most innovative and sought-after schools in Pittsburgh. And to our faculty, staff, and administration: thank you for everything that you do to maintain the excellence of the school on a day-to-day basis.
As a board, we are looking forward to another exciting year. Many things are on the horizon, including ongoing work towards building and opening the new high school, increasing collaboration with the ECS Foundation to maintain the fiscal viability and future potential of the school, a renewed emphasis on the environmental roots of the school (as exemplified by the newly invigorated middle school curriculum), the release of our new strategic plan, and ongoing close communication with the union, the Parent Community Organization (PCO), and the school administration. We will also begin the process of reviewing and updating all of the school's policies. As ECS moves to digitizing policies, this is an ideal opportunity to conduct a comprehensive review and renewal of ECS policies and provide access to all ECS constituents.
As a longtime ECS parent, I am continuously blown away by the dedication of so many members of this community to making the school better, amazed by how far we’ve come, and thrilled with where we are going. My ask to each of you is this: join us.
Get involved.
The board meetings are public, and we invite you to attend in person, watch the live stream, and/or sign up for public comment on the board webpage.
If you haven't already signed up, we highly encourage you to opt into the monthly board meeting reminder emails. Meeting reminders go out the Friday before the board meeting and include a draft agenda.
You can also contact us at ecsboard@ecspgh.org
ECS: We Grow Citizens.
On behalf of the board,
Adam Tobias
Environmental Charter School Board of Trustees