Former ECS Student Talks to Grades 3-5 about Activism

Former ECS student, Kyley Coleman, spoke to Intermediate School students via Zoom on Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021, about activism and how they can get involved in their community. Coleman, a current Sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh Greensburg told students her two priorities are education and activism. 

“In short, activism to me means creating a strategy to work for positive social change. Working towards a world that you’d want to live in -- fair, kind, equal, and safe,” Coleman said. “Anyone can do it, even you!”

Since graduating from ECS 8th Grade in 2014, Coleman has participated in Youth Undoing Institutional Racism (Y.U.I.R), a group dedicated to teaching systematic racism and how it impacts our communities, education system, job placements, and many other aspects of life. After a year of Y.U.I.R, Coleman started to teach what she had learned and started her own anti-racist workshops. 

As challenges arise, Coleman explained to students that activism is work, and to see change or a solution takes consistent effort. To help students get involved in anti-racism work, Coleman suggested students learn then educate others, start clubs, reach a broader audience through social media, host assemblies, create newsletters, or raise money for a cause they believe in. 

“The possibilities are endless! As a young individual, you are the most influential,” Coleman told students. “You guys are bright, innovative, creative, and passionate.”

Coleman currently manages an Instagram page called Black Owned Pittsburgh, and she continues to inspire young activists to get involved and make a difference in the community. Check out Coleman’s presentation below:

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