No PPS Bus Routes 1, 2, 8, and 9

Dear PPS Bus Families, 


ECS was notified this evening that there are no bus drivers for all PPS bus 1 routes, PPS bus 2, PPS bus 8, and all PPS bus 9 routes until further notice due to the drivers quarantining because of COVID-19. While the unknowns inhibit ECS from conducting its own contact tracing, Sun Coach has determined that there are no close contacts. If your student is experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, please refrain from sending them to school and contact your PCP for further guidance.


Families who are impacted may drop off and pick up students if able. If transportation is a barrier and your student cannot attend school, they will have an excused absence.  


If someone other than the student’s parent or guardian plans to pick up the student during dismissal, please contact your building’s transportation email. 



Please check your email tomorrow, Monday, Nov. 15 for a communication with more information including how students will access learning off-campus and how long this transportation issue will occur. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact your building’s principal. 



Jon McCann, CEO

Amanda Cribbs, Superintendent