Extending the Day with YMCA and Venture Outdoors

ECS is dedicated to providing students at the Primary (grades K-2) and Intermediate School (Grades 3-5) fun and educational after-school care experiences by partnering with local, like-minded, and child centered organizations.

After School Care at Primary School

The YMCA logo

ECS is thrilled to partner with YMCA PGH as the sole Primary School care provider to bring a unique and sustainable experience through its After School Enrichment BASE Camp. This program will not only expand students’ opportunities for after-school care activities, but it will also remain on-site at the Primary School for easy accessibility and consistency. Contact YMCA PGH at BASE@ymcapgh.org.

Registration for the 25–26 School year is now open. Learn more and register today!

After School Care at Intermediate School

Venture Outdoors logo

At the Intermediate School, After School Care is provided by our friends at Venture Outdoors. Since 2021, VO has provided afterschool care for our 3rd–5th graders at ECS Intermediate. VO believes in connecting youth to nature to build social emotional learning skills, improve overall mental and physical wellbeing, and have fun. Participants will bike, hike, fish, geocache, and so much more!

Venture Outdoors will offer the following options for the 2025–26 school year:

  • 5 Day (Monday–Friday): $395 per month

  • 3 Day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday): $225 per month

  • 3 Day (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday): $255 per month

Please note there are additional fees associate with the deposit, but these fees will NOT apply to the monthly payments. If you are in need of a scholarship for this program, please email smiddleton@ventureoutdoors.org

To learn more visit ventureoutdoors.org/ecs.