Middle School Aug. Newsletter (21–22)

Hey there, Middle School!

Here we are, about to start another school year together, and I couldn’t be happier about it. As I write, this talented team of teachers and staff I get the privilege to work with are over here are thoughtfully working to create a joy-based, care-centered environment deserving of kids. 

If you were on the cool train with me this past weekend and spent your Saturday listening to the podcast Hidden Brain (highly recommended by yours truly), you heard Cornell professor, Dr. Anthony Burrow, talking about some interesting research on purpose. 

Studies indicate a sense of purpose is beneficial to our well-being in some interesting ways. Research shows it’s protective in a sense; it can provide stability when things around us are chaotic. Purposeful people are able to handle stressors more effectively, not because they aren’t faced with challenge or stress — in fact, in some studies they actually reported encountering more stress than those who identified themselves as less purposeful —, but they were better able to maintain a steady emotional state. Purposeful people, despite what’s going on externally, tend to stay more even keel. These individuals experience lower incidents of heart attacks and stroke, slower rates of cognitive decline, and lower levels of impulsivity. They play the long game. When we’re talking about the health and longevity of an individual, this is the desired state. Of course, I immediately started thinking about what this could mean for an organization. Albeit more selfishly, I started thinking about what this could mean for us at ECS Middle. 

If you wouldn’t mind pondering this question with me as we get started, I’d really appreciate it. What might we create and undo, grow and uproot, work towards and give back if even in the face of uncertainty, this team (yes, you’re on it too; we need our star players) can stay connected to a shared purpose? How can we all lean into our unique roles to ensure students are truly seen, supported, and challenged every day?

As always, if you want a thought partner, have a suggestion, or want to talk about the latest episode of “Hidden Brain,” please be sure to let me know.

Until next time,


What's new at Middle School?

Block 0!
New to our schedule this year is a time every day in which students can choose from a wide variety of course offerings like ceramics with the Union Project, ultimate frisbee, creative writing, drama, and so much more. Kids, get excited! We’ll be signing up for courses during the opening days of school.

Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast will be grab-and-go in grade level hallways. Lunch will be served in the Cafe. 

Important Dates this Month

  • 8/16 Meet & Greet 

  • 8/18 First day of school! Welcome Back Coffees with the PCO at 8 a.m.

In Case You Missed It

Bus Route Information
Please keep an eye on your email. You will receive your bus route information by Friday, Aug. 13 from ECS. If you do not receive an email by Saturday, Aug. 14, please email your building's office manager.

Arrival and Dismissal Times
The school day begins at 8:50 and ends at 3:50. Pick up and drop off occur at our Black Street entrance. 

Dr. Jaleah Robinson
Middle School Principal

Email: jaleah.robinson@ecspgh.org

Phone: x559